"Lindsay has such a rare gift of transparency blended with humor.  It is very embraceable and non-threatening yet carries such weight of truth." - Judi Johnston, Pastor Jakes's House Church


"I finally realized the root of all my problems came down to self-hatred, lack of self-acceptance and the inability to receive love!"

Lindsay Morgan Snyder, Author of Letting Love In

Amazon #1 New Release

Are you tired of never feeling good enough?

In Letting Love In, author, Lindsay Morgan Snyder reveals the secrets to getting victory over chaos-causing lies and discovering true peace, joy, and freedom to love and be loved.

As a recovering people pleaser herself, Lindsay was trapped in fear for decades, listening to lies, and being held back from the joy set before her. Through her soul-baring account of humorous and harrowing true stories, Lindsay shares how she escaped the lie that love was not for her. Lindsay invites you to join a conversation with your Creator, so you, too, can continue the journey with Jesus into life-giving spiritual revelation.

"Lindsay's humor is aaaaaamazing! Each time I've heard her speak, my heart expands! More hope arises. More freedom awakens!"

- Kara Nelson

Looking to have Lindsay speak at your event, conference, or church?

Lindsay’s Keynote Topics

Discovering the Power of Love to Heal

In her book Letting Love In, Lindsay uncovers the 10 lies that hold people back from experiencing true love. This powerful message is also one of her keynote talks, where she guides audiences on a transformative journey to replace these lies with the truth of love and self-worth

Crushing the Inner Critic

In this empowering keynote talk, Lindsay helps audiences identify and silence the harsh, self-critical voice that holds them back. She shares practical tools to overcome self-doubt, build confidence, and embrace self-love. By replacing negativity with truth and kindness, Lindsay equips listeners to unlock their full potential and live with freedom and joy.

  • Wow. This book is now my fav after the Bible. I've read a lot of books, but few are truly life changers. This one is.

  • I am a very busy mom but cancelled everything I had planned the day I started reading this book and finished it that day. I'm on my second reading now and highly encourage you to join me in Letting Love In!

  • Love this book! Made me laugh out loud

  • Awesone read! The author is insightful, vulnerable, empowering, and humorous (which I really appreciate) amidst tackling the tough issues involving our inner critic. This book is literally for everyone.. men, women and youth!